Sunday, August 8, 2010

Peut-on Vivre Sans Téléphone Portable et Internet?

"Peut-on Vivre Sans Téléphone Portable et Internet?"
Tergelitik sama pertanyaan ini. Pertanyaan ini sebenernya adalah tugas. Harus dikerjakan. Tapi pertanyaan ini tuh bikin jadi mikir.

Pas les hari Jumat kemaren, kita disuruh mengisi angket << Êtes-Vous Accro Aux Nouvelles Technologies? >> yang diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Indonesia menjadi "Apakah Kamu Kecanduan Teknologi Baru?". Cuma check list aja dari 30 pernyataan, mana yang sesuai dengan diri sendiri. Kemudian pertemuan itupun jadi membahas seputar kebiasaan kita dengan teknologi. Berapa pemakaian pulsa selama sebulan, dan itu untuk apa aja. Berapa sering buka internet.

Setelah pembahasan soal pulsa jadi lumayan melebar ke "provider apa yang digunakan untuk internet dan gimana kualitasnya", beralihlah ke topik selanjutnya. Yang mana topik selanjutnya adalah pertanyaan di awal tadi itu.

Kenapa pertanyaan itu bikin jadi mikir. Karena pertanyaan itu kalo diterjemahin ke Bahasa Indonesia, artinya adalah "Bisakah kamu hidup tanpa Handphone dan Internet?". Kalau dijawab secara impulsif, pasti jawabannya adalah "Bisa!". Tapi, yakin tuh sama jawaban itu? Ya bisa sih memang, tapi betah gak? Gak merasa basi? Gak merasa ketinggalan?

Awalnya aku sih juga bilang bisa-bisa aja. Tapi setelah dipikir-pikir, kadang-kadang gak bisa juga (lebih banyak gak bisanya malahan).
Handphone, ya apalagi kalau buat nelfon, sms, dan sesekali seringkali buka internet. Handphone apalagi sih kalau bukan untuk komunikasi? Biar bisa dihubungi. Padahal kalau dipikir-pikir, waktu belum jamannya Handphone, kayaknya tenang-tenang aja ya?
Internet, jaman sekarang, mau apa-apa pasti internet. Bergaul di situs-situ social networking, cari-cari yang perlu dicari di Google, ngobrol-ngobrol di forum, buang ide di blog sampai melakukan kriminalitas dengan download lagu atau film yang jelas-jelas itu bajakan dan gak boleh, tapi tetep aja dilakuin.

Nunggu kuliah, lagi dalam perjalanan, nunggu angkot/bus/taksi, atau lagi gak ada ide mau ngapain, tangan mendadak asik pencet-pencet handphone entah SMS atau berinternet. Kalau gak telfon nempel di kuping, ngobrol sama orang lain yang mungkin lagi berada disituasi yang sama. Di situasi yang disebut dengan iseng. Iseng karena lagi nunggu, iseng karena lagi gak ada kerjaan, iseng karena bosan, dan iseng karena sebab-sebab lainnya.

Pulsa abis, gak ada sinyal, quota abis, internet mati, bisa bikin jadi kesel sendiri. Tiba-tiba jadi bego, gak tau mau ngapain. Sampe marah-marah, ke-bete-an gara-gara gak bisa melakukan kebiasaan. Padahal masih banyak hal lain yang bisa dikerjain.

Sekarang jadi semakin mikir, apa iya bisa tanpa keduanya? Coba pikir lagi.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Blueberry Jam Cupcakes

Dari dulu paling seneng sama makanan dan minuman dengan flavor Blueberry, syukur-syukur kalau bisa dapet yang betul-betul ada buahnya. Jadi bukan sekedar essence aja. Tapi karena susah carinya (pernah sih sekali liat ada yang kalengan, tapi ya mahal), jadi kemaren pas ke toko kue belinya blueberry jam aja. Pilihnya yang agak-agak kasar teksturnya. Pinginnya sih beli yang ada potongan-potongan buahnya, tapi mahaaallll. Jadi beli yang ramah di dompet aja deh.

Karena rasa penasaran yang semakin memuncak untuk bikin kue dengan menggunakan blueberry, akhirnya memutuskan untuk bikin cupcake blueberry. Resepnya aslinya sih sebenernya Vegan Strawberry Cupcakes Using Vinegar, tapi dasar iseng plus nekat, coba-coba aja ganti pake blueberry jam itu.

Saking takut gagalnya, udah berniat untuk bikin setengah resep aja dulu. Tapi, entah kenapa pas udah mulai nakar tepung, langsung batalin niatnya. Nekat aja deh bikin 1 resep penuh, dengan Bismillah yang banyak, berharap jadi dan gak bantat kuenya.

Di resep yang aslinya pake strawberry yang puree gitu, itu yang aku ganti. Dia bikin kurang lebih 8oz (setara dengan 1 cup). Aku gantinya dengan 4 sdm full blueberry jam ditambah air sampe jadi 1 cup (masukin airnya sedikit-sedikit, kalo airnya udah abis tapi udah gak kental ya udah jangan ditambah lagi airnya). Diaduk betul sampe rata dan blueberry jamnya gak terlalu kental lagi. Tadinya mau langsung aja pake 1 cup blueberry jam-nya. Tapi takutnya terlalu berat, nanti adonannya gak bisa naik, malah jadi bantat. Ya udah, modifikasi dadakan deh.

Setelah berhasil bikin puree blueberry jam, mulai deh terusin takar-takar bahan yang lainnya. Aduk-aduk pelan-pelan, bener-bener takut gagal.
Apalagi pas mulai masukin yang bahan basahnya ke bahan kering. Aduh, deg-degan setengah mati. Aduk-aduk lagi, bener-bener pelan-pelan banget, supaya tercampur bener tanpa over doing it. Sementara aduk-aduk, oven juga masih panas sisa manggang cookies. Jadi begitu udah kecampur, langsung deh tuang ke loyang. Dari tampilannya sih meyakinkan, tapi tetep aja hati tak tenang.

Pasang timer, sambil bolak-balik di cek. Ngintip terus dari kaca oven. Liat terus temperaturnya, takut kepanasan lah, takut kurang panas lah. Cemas banget lah pokoknya. Padahal biasanya juga pasang timer terus ditinggal, balik-balik udah mateng tinggal angkat. Begitu timer bunyi, sambil deg-degan dan pegang lidi (mau ngecek udah betulan mateng apa belum), langsung ke oven, baca Bismillah, dan selanjutnyaaaaa............................................

Tadaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... Ternyata berhasil, mengembang, dan tidak bantat. Wangi banget-banget-banget pas udah dikeluarin dari oven. Aduh, seneng banget deh. Sukses!! Luarnya mengkilap gitu, dalemnya teksturnya gak kering dan lembut. Enak banget deh.

Mau coba? Tapi gak mau nekat sok-sokan modifikasi. Ini resep aslinya. Ikutin aja betul-betul sesuai prosedurnya, dijamin jadi dan gak perlu pake acara deg-degan takut bantat.

Ingredients :
  • 1 and 3/4 cups Unbleached All Purpose Flour (aku sih pake segitiga biru aja)
  • 3/4 - 1 cup Sugar (tergantung seleranya gimana, tadi aku pake 3/4 karena selainya kan udah manis)
  • 1 tsp Baking Soda
  • 80z Frozen or Fresh Strawberries, pureed or crushed (8oz = 1 cup)
  • 1 tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 1/2 cup Canola Oil (kalo ga punya, ganti aja pake minyak goreng biasa)
  • 1 tbs White Distilled Vinegar (aku tadi coba pake Apple Cider Vinegar)
Directions :
  1. Preheat the oven 350F/180C for 15 minutes. Grease/line a muffin tin or grease a 9 inch loaf pan.
  2. In a large bowl combine together flour, baking soda and sugar.
  3. In another bowl, mix the oil, vinegar and vanilla. Pureed the strawberries in a blender then add it to the oil mixture and stir to combine. (kalau suka sih haluskan aja pakai garpu, biar ada sedikit potongan-potongan strawberry-nya)
  4. Create a well in the center of the dry ingredients and add the wet ingredients. Stir together but do not overstir.
  5. Pour the batter into the prepared muffin tins.
  6. Bake for about 22 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. If baking in a loaf, bake it for 40-45 minutes and check for the doneness. (aku sih pake cetakan cupcake, dan tambah 5-10 menit lagi. Oven aku panasnya gak stabil)
  7. Remove from the oven and place on a wire to cool. When cool, frost the cupcakes and top with a whole strawberry. (aku gak pake hias-hias lagi, males. Hehe)

Friday Baking : Oatmeal Choco Chips Cookies

Since Romo bought me the new oven, I haven't even once bake something in it. So this morning, Mama asked me wether I'm going to cook something or not. I asked why. She said, if I wasn't gonna cook, then I should try out the oven.

Ah, in an instant, I said Yes! I would love to try and bake something. So I started googling and go browse an easiest cookie recipe. My mixer has gone broken, so I need a recipe which doesn't need an electric mixer. Tadaaaaa!!! I found it!! I found this easy Oatmeal Chocolate Chips Cookies recipe. She said that it was her grandma's recipe. So I tried them out.

I started collecting the ingredients I needed. Flours, oatmeals, choco chips, sugars and others. Measuring them, then putting them in a bowl.

When it's all mixed well, I start scooping them to the greased baking sheets, while starting to heat the oven. I learned that I scoop them to big, so when it's baked they sticks one to another. It doesn't ruin the cookie, only it doesn't have a perfectly round shape. I don't have any problems with the shape. But, I hate seeing them sticks to each other. So the next batch, I scoop it in smaller size.

In 20 minutes (the original recipe says 12-15 minutes, but mine need more time), it's all done!

Perfect cookies!

If you want to try, here goes the recipe. Remember, you don't need an electric mixer. It's all hand stirred.

Ingredients :
  • 1 sticks of Margarine (googled it, and i found that 1 sticks equals 8 tbs)
  • 1/2 cups of Brown sugar (I used palm sugar)
  • 1/2 cups of White sugar
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 tbs Water
  • 1/2 tsp Vanilla
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour (slight, not over)
  • 1/2 tsp Baking Soda
  • 1 tsp Baking Powder
  • 1/2 tsp Salt
  • 1 and 1/2 Cup old-fashioned oats (I used quick cooking oats)
  • 1 to 1 and 1/2 cups Semisweet chocolate chips (I used only 1 cup)
  • OPTIONAL : raisins, walnuts - amounts up to you (I add some chaswes)

Directions :
  1. Preheat oven to 325F.
  2. In a large bowl, combine all the ingredients but the oatmead and the chocolate chips. After well-mixed, add the oatmeal and stir together. Then add the chocolate chips.
  3. Drop by rounded tablespoon onto greased or Silpat cookie sheets. (I used baking sheets, since I don't have a Silpat) . Baked for 12 to 15 minutes.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Food Substitutions

Having trouble finding the ingredients you needed in one recipe? Too expensive to be bought? The ingredients' not available around your place? You can always substitute them.

I found this very usefull website. It tells you how to substite ingredients. Check them out, maybe it could help you. Just click here!

Happy cooking and baking!

Steamed Chocolate Moist Cake

Recently, I'm in this cake, cupcake and muffin madness. I've been go googling from one web to another, looking for the easiest, simplest recipe I could found.

And I finally found it. I got the recipe from here. I just loved it, the moment I see it, and tried it, then I double loved it after it's done. Unfortunately, I forgot to picture it before it all gone to my tummy. The next time I make it again, I will take some picture of it.

The original recipe came as baked, but I choose to steam it instead of baking it, since steaming a cake has smaller risk to failed. And anyhow, I prefer steaming cakes than baking. Steamed cakes comes more moist. I just love the texture of a steamed cake.

This cake was so delicious. Such a treat in the mouth, and definitely will pleased those whose sweettoothed. I will definitely try to make them again next time. But, I need some other adjustments so the cake will be even more delicious than it already was. (At least for myself.)

Want to try them? Here goes the recipe :

Ingredients :
  • 3 cups Flour (I used all purpose flour)
  • 2 tsp Baking Soda (I used Double Action Baking Powder, since I don't have Baking Soda)
  • 1/2 tsp Salt
  • 6 tbs Cocoa Powder
  • 2 cups Water
  • 2 cups Sugar (I think I'll reduce them into 1 and 1/2 cups, I found it too sweet)
  • 1 tbs Vanilla
  • 2 tbs White Vinegar (Next time, I'm gonna try using Apple Cider Vinegar)
  • 8 tsp Oil (any flavorless kind)
  • A handfull of chocochips (or Raisins)

Instructions :
  1. Preheat Oven to 350F (or, in my case heat the steamer)
  2. Sift the dry ingredients, i.e. flour, baking soda, salt and cocoa powder in a medium bowl.
  3. Whisk sugar and wet ingredients, i.e. water, vanilla, vinegar, and oil in a large bowl, until the sugar is dissolved.
  4. Add the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients. Mix well. (But do not over do it)
  5. Pour the batter into a greased and floured or parchment lined 9 X 13" pan. Sprinkle a handful of semi-sweet chocolate chips on the batter for garnishing. Bake for 35-40 minutes. The cake will slightly moist when tested with a tooth pick. If you're steaming it (just like I did), steam it for 30 minutes over high heat.
*I tried to steam it using a cupcake cups, and approximately made into 12 cups. It doesn't need to be steamed for 30 minutes, because I found it already done before it. Just check the doneness using a tooth pick.

Happy Baking and Steaming! I'll post other delicious recipes next time!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Ms. Novitasari and A Bike

"The bicycle had, and still has, a humane, almost classical moderation in the kind of pleasure it offers. It is the kindof machine that a Hellenistic Greek might have invented and ridden. It does no violence to our normal reactions : it does not pretend to free us from our normal enviroment." ~ J. B. Jackson.

She is one of my bestfriend. She has a list, which she named "My Visible Idea of Perfection". Her wishlist, a list of things she wanted in her life. On the fifth, she put "having my own bike".

Yes, having her own bike is her sweetest dream. I know, I may not helping much in making it come true just by writing this. But somehow I believe, she will have it. She will have the bike she's been dreaming, the bike she's been craving and always wanted. She'll ride it along Cikapayang or Riau, just as she said. Eventhough she may need an extra foot and lungs. And definitely a very strong calf. Her wish is simple, yet I cannot help her.

I know, one day, I'll meet up with her and she will be riding her bike. She will show me how great her bike is. How wonderful and how much she loves it. I can picture it in my mind. I can see, someday this will happen. It won't took long. It won't took forever.

You will get your own bike, Dor. YOU WILL!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Everynight's Wish

" Here's my wish every night I text you good night"

What's Been Keeping Me?

It's August already. My last post was around the middle of July. What's been keeping me along the half of July? Lotsa thing...

Boyfriend's moving in to his new lodging. A nice one. The room isn't too big, nor too small. Though it's still a little bit messy, since we haven't had much time to tidy things up. But, I looovveeee the room so much! I love the lodging itself. The room gets much sunlight, it gets much fresh air, and what I love the most was, it's not too noisy.

Then, I got my new oven! Romo bought it for me. It's not a fancy one, but I just love it. I just love the way he surprises me on one sunny Sunday, getting back from his shopping groceries routine with Mama, with this new oven in the back of his car. Ah, he always knows how to make me happy. He always facilitates me on every single aspects of my life. I'm just a lucky kid, and will always his little baby girl. No matter what, and I'm so proud being it.

Along with the new oven, my cooking and baking mood suddenly boosted up soooooo high it almost touches the sky. Recipe googling is my new routine. And visiting the baker's shop became more often that it used too. Ah, I just fell in love for the umptenth time to recipes, cooking, and baking. I'll post one or two recipes I've tried later.

Next, next.... Next month I'm going back to school. Ah, back to college to be precise. Can't tell you how happy I am. I even became speechless talking about it.

Oh, anyway. I love the new blogger templates they provide.

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